"Stopping a dangerous Revolution"
Providing insight into some of the biggest
cultural and social challenges with solutions
By: Stuart Miller
Cover illustrator: WandaSue Bozeman
If we change our ways, we can improve the world.
Skill versus will. It's simply a matter of will, not skill!
First book by Stuart Miller
You might be surprised by the content, which is thought-provoking and eye-opening. This book is not only going to challenge the way you view the world but also the way you view and interact with others. This book was written for the purpose of helping to change the world and help make a difference in people's lives.
About my book (a must read):
My book is jam-packed with thought-provoking content to challenge the way we think and see society, in ways you might not have ever considered. I discuss many mentalities and behaviors which are damaging on a much larger scale and it's having a much greater influence on others both directly and indirectly in ways that we probably don't realize.
This book is something everyone needs to read and here is why:
I provide some solutions to help fix some of the biggest social issues and behaviors which have existed for far too long
We do the same or similar behaviors expecting different results which is not working though we do very little to change
We need to step outside our comfort zone in ways we're not used to (If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done)
We need to be a lot less close-minded and more accepting (the mind is like a parachute, it can't work if it's not opened)
You can enjoy this publication from Google Play Books, Google Books, Apple Books, Amazon (Kindle store), Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and Lulu! So if you’re ready for a new reading experience - get your copy of "Stopping a dangerous Revolution" by Stuart Miller today!
My book "Stopping a dangerous Revolution" has some popular topics:
Cheating and taking a spouse for granted >> Sharing some unique methods & behaviors used in the digital age
Bullying & cyber-bullying >> some of the reasons, root causes, and intentions of bullies with & without technology
Freedom of Expression >> abusing and limiting our 1st amendment, the double standard including social media and news outlets, and why change is needed.
War on Race & Religion >> Using different and less common perspectives in a very thought-provoking manner.
Snitching & being a snake >> the good and dark side of both in everyday life with kids and adults (our day-to-day)
Peer Pressure >> sources of it and the signs for parents to look for with certain activities.
Including many other popular cultural and social topics
I provide an in-depth, more analytical, and philosophical explanation of why certain issues exist. I discuss each topic, give some examples, and break them down providing more detail about some of the possible reasons why people do them. I provide some of my own life experiences for certain chapter topics. Everything discussed, I have witnessed first-hand and have gone thru. In my book you'll find:
Situations that are based on personal experience and witnessing them first-hand
My opinion, perception, perspective, and mentality on various issues that affect everyone to some degree.
Quotes that are essential to supporting certain chapter topics
Philosophies, analogies, and comparisons to provide better contextual clarification on certain issues (since everyone learns and comprehends differently, I explain things in multiple ways for this reason alone)
A detailed breakdown of the examples provided within each chapter
Explanations of what it will take to help fix each of the discussed issues
Some of the many reasons why people behave as they do and some of the motives, intentions, and life experiences from both sides (the person doing the behavior and the person receiving the treatment)
Some solutions to all the topics discussed (changes that we need to make with how we think and act)
Stuart Miller
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